All the terms used in these Terms and Conditions shall have the same meaning ascribed to them as defined herein:
- “AOF” means Account Opening Form.
- “Account” means the specific account held or to be held with the Bank in the name of the individual(s) (whether solely or jointly with another person) or entity under which Customer can avail the various facilities.
- “Account based e-Commerce Services” means the service which enables ABL Account Holders to conduct e-commerce transactions directly from their bank Account on all online merchants accepting NIFT ePay & APPS PayFast as payment method.
- “Account Linking Service” means the service in which Customer authorize his/her/their Account linking with ABL branchless banking mobile app “myABL Wallet” or any other third-party app or web portal to pull money (transfer from ABL account) or make payments.
- “ATM” means Automated Teller Machine.
- “Bank” refers to Allied Bank Limited and/or its successors and/or permitted assignees.
- “Biometric” means data/information regarding biological measurements or physical characteristics that can be used to identify individuals. For example, fingerprint mapping, facial recognition, and retina scans etc.
- “Branch” means that branch of Allied Bank Limited where the Customer is maintaining the Account.
- “Card” means the Allied Bank’s all Debit Card variants issued against Domestic Payment Schemes (DPS) & International Payment Schemes (IPS) including virtual & prepaid cards.
- “Cardholder means the person to whom Allied Bank’s Card is issued and having power alone to operate the Account in accordance with the Bank mandate in respect thereof.
- “CBC” means Call Back Confirmation.
- “CCDM” means Cheque & Cash Deposit Machine.
- “Customer” or “Depositor” or “Account Holder” or “e-Banking Channel Subscriber” or “Purchaser” refers to the Individual(s) / Sole proprietor / firm(s) / company(ies) / institution(s) / trust(s) / society(ies) / other entity(ies) also referred to as “Entity(ies)”, who is/are opening the Account and shall include their mandate holders, respective successors-in-interest and/or permitted assigns and the expression.
- “Device” means computer terminals, personal computers, laptops, computer tablets, mobile phones, smart phones or virtual assistants, smart home devices (including without limitation Amazon Alexa, Apple HomeKit), wearable devices (including without limitation watches, fitness trackers), connected car system devices and any other devices that may be connected to the internet which enable the provision of the Services by the Bank to the Subscriber;
- “e-Banking Channel” means all existing & future electronic Services which include but not limited to ATM/CCDM/ITM, internet banking, Mobile banking, Point of Sales/online shopping, WhatsApp Banking, USSD, SMS, IVR, QR, NFC/HCE, Self Service Kiosk, Account Linking Services, Voice Assisted Banking, Card based e-Commerce services, Account based e-Commerce Services.
- “EFT” means Electronic Fund Transfer.
- “Electronic signature” means any letters, numbers, symbols, characters or any combination thereof in electronic form, applied to, incorporated in or associated with an electronic document, with the intention of authentication or approving the same, in order to establish authenticity or integrity, or both.
- “Know Your Customer (KYC) means the information obtained/stored by Bank to know the basic details and identification of the Customer while opening of an account and subsequently on periodic basis to keep these details updated.
- “Minor” means a person under the age of legal competence/ majority.
- “Mobile Banking” means banking services provided using/through mobile banking application.
- “Notice” means a written/electronic message/intimation including SMS, email, letter, WhatsApp etc. containing some specific details communicated by or to the Bank through different means of communication allowed by the Bank.
- “Organic Signature” means signature physically signed by the Customer with his/her own hand and obtained by the Bank on paper or captured through digital means.
- “PIN/OTP/TPIN/Transactional PIN” means the Personal Identification Number/One Time Password/ Telephone Personal Identification Number /Transactional Personal Identification Number, which the Customer uses from time to time to authorise/execute financial/non-financial transactions via Digital Channels.
- “PLS” means Profit & Loss Sharing.
- “POS” means Point of Sales.
- “Processing” means any operation or set of operations which are performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.
- “SBP” refers to the State Bank of Pakistan.
- “Services”means all internet and mobile banking services, and/or any other digital or electronic Banking Services (e-banking) provided by the Bank whereby the Subscriber can view and operate any Account, loans, financing, cards, investments and insurance or any other banking products provided by the Bank through computer terminals and Devices;
- “Sensitive & Personal Data” means any information that relates directly or indirectly to a customer, who is identified or identifiable from that information or from that and other information in the possession of a data controller (i.e. Bank in the case), including any sensitive personal data such as CNIC number, mother maiden name, passport number, date of birth, place of birth etc. Sensitive data includes data relating to access control (username and/or password, OTP, Transactional PIN, PIN, TPIN, CVV, Card Expiry), financial information such as bank account, credit card, debit card, biometric data.
- “SOC” means Schedule of Charges.
- “Subscriber” means a Customer of the Bank, whether an individual or corporate entity, to whom the Services are provided;
- “Third-party” in relation to personal data, means any person other than, a customer, a relevant person in relation to a customer, a data controller, a data processor or, a person authorized in writing by the data controller/customer to process the personal data under the direct control of the data controller.
- “Registered Customer Number” is the mobile number which has been registered with the Bank by the Customer.
- “Third Party Services” means services/online purchases from third parties through e-Banking channels including bus tickets, air tickets, cinema tickets, insurance products etc.
- “Transaction” means any cash withdrawal/deposit whether by cheque or otherwise, payment, purchase (Online/POS) and funds transfer made through branch or by using any other e-Banking Channel or any refund arising in any authorized manner for debit or credit to the Account.
- “WhatsApp Banking” means the banking services provided using/through WhatsApp communication platform.
- The Bank reserves its right to refuse to open an Account without assigning any reason.
- If for any reason an Account is opened with incomplete document(s) or information, or if further information becomes necessary to obtain, the Bank may at its discretion withhold operation in the Account till such time information/document(s) are provided. In case of non-compliance of these requirements, or any of the Terms and Conditions contained in this document, the Bank shall have the right to close such an Account, without notice and shall inform the Customer.
- The Bank has right to obtain and verify the Customer biometrically and store biometric information obtained from Customer. In this regard, Customer communicates his/her/their consent to store the biometric information obtained to verify himself/herself/themselves for any future update in customer profile/account or transaction in the respective account.
- Each Customer shall be allotted a distinctive Account Number/International Bank Account Number (IBAN), which is to be quoted in all correspondence with the Bank.
- Account of illiterate(s) or person(s) with shaky signatures will be opened at the discretion of the Bank. Such Customers will be required to provide photograph / biometric for identification and they are allowed cash withdrawals only for which the Customers have to apply both thumb impression on cheques in presence of the Bank’s officials or may conduct biometric verification.
- At the time of opening of an Account of visually impaired/blind &/or illiterate person, a witness or duly authorized representative who should be known to the concerned visually impaired/blind &/or illiterate person shall be present at the time of signing of the AOF as per the Law of the Land and SBP guidelines that all the Terms & Conditions regarding operation of Account and his/her rights/obligations were read/explained by the Branch Manager to illiterate, visually impaired/blind person in presence of his/ her witness. Illiterate visually impaired/blind person shall operate the Bank Account personally in the presence of a witness.
- In case of visually impaired/blind literate person, witness shall not be required at the time of Account opening. Further, presence of witness for operation in Account shall not be required upon providing duly witnessed undertaking by the visually impaired/ blind person however the Bank shall not be responsible for any losses, claims, demands and consequences that may arise out of operation in the absence of any witness. For all Debit transactions, CBC shall be carried out by Branch Manager on the provided phone/ mobile number of the Customer in the Account and in case if Customer is untraceable then the cheque shall be returned with the reason “Visually Impaired / Blind Customer, Call Back Confirmation Unsuccessful”.
- In case of a literate visually impaired/blind person who can read Braille script, the AOF in Braille script shall be made available bearing information provided by the literate visually impaired/blind person. Upon satisfaction about the accuracy of particulars/ information appearing on AOF (in Braille script), literate visually impaired/blind Customer shall enface his/her both thumb impressions on the AOF as a token of confirmation.
- All physical deposits in the Account should be accompanied by a deposit slip showing the correct Title and Account Number to be credited. The Depositor should satisfy himself/herself that on the deposit slip counterfoil, it is validated by signatures of the Bank’s officials and stamp/electronic endorsement.
- The Bank may accept cheques, drafts and other instruments payable/endorsed to the Customer for collection entirely at the Customer’s own risk. Un-cleared cheques, drafts and instruments, though credited, shall not be drawn against, and if the same is allowed to be drawn against, the Bank shall have the right to debit the Account and recover from the Customer, the value of any instrument discounted, purchased or collected by the Bank. In the event that the proceeds are not received against the same at any time or even after receipt of the proceeds and credit to the Account of the Customer, if the amount or value is subsequently debited for any reason, including fraud, error, illegality, for which the Bank shall have the sole discretion, the Customer shall be liable to pay the same with the mark-up on the overdraft, Bank may charge, in accordance with prevailing rules and regulations. The Bank may refuse to accept for collection, cheques drawn and crossed specially for credit to the order of third parties.
- The instruments should be crossed before they are deposited for the credit of the Account. Un-cleared items, though credited in the Account, shall not be drawn against even if such items are credited and/or allowed to be drawn against, the Bank shall have a right to debit the Depositor’s Account, if they are not realized/returned unpaid.
- The Customer will indemnify the Bank as the collecting bank for any losses, costs and expenses which the Bank may sustain or incur by reason of guaranteeing any endorsements, discharges on any cheque, bill, note, draft, dividend warrant or any other instrument deposited by the Customer for collection, and every such guarantee given by the Bank shall be at the Customer’s express requesting each and every case.
- The Customer shall be responsible for the genuineness, correctness and validity of all endorsements appearing on all such instruments.
- In case of loss or theft of a cheque or cheque book/ABC/CDR, if Customer reports the concerned bank/branch before payment, Customer will not be liable for any loss or damages.
- Cash withdrawals in the Branch from an Account can be made upon the presentation of cheques, supplied by the Bank, duly signed in accordance with specimen signatures and signing authorities registered with the Bank. All alterations, corrections in the instrument must be authenticated by full signature(s) of the authorized signatory(ies). Withdrawals shall also be permissible through presentation of written authorization, on biometric or through POS.
- Original paid cheques will be retained by the Bank for a specified period and afterwards may be destroyed, as per policy of the Bank.
- The Customer/Account Holder shall ensure safekeeping of the cheque book and shall not allow its access to any unauthorized person. In case of loss or theft of the cheque book or any leaf or ABC or CDR, the Customer/Account Holder shall promptly notify the Bank. The Customer/Account Holder shall be solely responsible for any loss arising out of any fraudulent use of the lost or stolen cheque book/cheque leaf/ABC/CDR.
- For Entity(ies)’ account, rubber stamp(s) will be placed on each cheque, instrument or on any other authorization.
- All payments against the cheques are subject to availability of sufficient funds along with applicable taxes and charges.
- In case of change of signatures, Customer/Account Holder agrees to fully indemnify the Bank against any loss, damage, claims, demands, costs and expenses (including legal expenses) arising or incurred as a result of honoring the cheques already issued by the Customer with old signatures.
- No profit or interest is paid on current (local and foreign currency) Accounts.
- The amount deposited in PLS Savings Account shall be on profit and loss sharing basis. The Bank’s determination of profit or loss shall be final and binding on the Customer for all purposes.
- The method of calculating profit/loss under the PLS scheme is governed by the Bank’s procedures/rules and prevailing regulations/directives of SBP issued from time to time. The Customer hereby authorizes the Bank for computation of profit or loss or the formula to be applied by the Bank
- The deposits received by the Bank under the PLS Account will be invested by the Bank in any manner considered appropriate without disclosing the same to the Customer.
- The profit/loss earned/incurred on PLS Savings Account will be credited/ debited after the end of each profit period (as decided by the Bank from time to time) within a reasonable time from the date of the close of respective profit period.
- All projected profit rates shall be of provisional nature until finalized by the Bank.
- For all other PLS Based Accounts, the profit will be paid as per parameters, Terms and Conditions of the respective products/accounts as announced by the Bank from time to time.
- The profit rates and parameters for PLS Savings Accounts and other PLS Based Accounts are subject to change. The Bank is authorized to make such changes without any notice to the Customer.
- If the Account is opened in the names of two or more persons, the balance to the credit thereof at any time shall belong to the Customers jointly. Such persons shall be jointly and severally liable for all liabilities incurred on the Account and the Services including but not limited to the payment of any finance, together with return, profit and mark-up thereon at a rate determined by the Bank from time to time.
- If prior to acting on instructions received from one signatory where the Account is operated with single authority, the Bank receives contradictory instructions from another signatory, the Bank may, at its absolute discretion, only act on the instructions of all signatories notwithstanding that any relevant existing mandate or instructions specify otherwise
- In case Joint Account is operated with a single signing authority, then the Bank will inform implications of the signing arrangements in account mandate for the operation of the joint Account, particularly that any transactions entered into by the authorized signatory or signatories will be binding on all Account Holders. The Bank will inform implications of the signing arrangements in account mandate for the operation of the joint Account, particularly that any transactions entered into by the authorized signatory or signatories will be binding on all Account Holders.
- At the time of the opening of the Account, the Customers must indicate whether or not the joint accounts are “Either or Survivor(s)”. In case of operating instructions “Either or Survivor(s)” in the event of death of either of the Customer(s), the credit balance in the Account will be paid to the Surviving Account Holder(s) without any intimation to anyone and Survivor(s) in this regard shall keep the Bank indemnified against any future claim. However, the liability of the joint Account Holders and their respective legal heirs shall always remain joint and several.
- The Account will be a non-remunerative account with no minimum balance requirement and will be closed automatically in case the balance remains zero continuously for six months.
- The statement of the Account shall be issued on a yearly basis.
- There will be no service charges on Allied Basic Banking Accounts for a maximum two (2) deposits and two (2) withdrawals during a calendar month, as per Bank’s policy. Additional transactions will be subject to a service charge as per prevailing SOC of the Bank. However, cash withdrawals will be free of charge at Allied Bank ATMs/CDMs.
- The Terms and Conditions for Basic Banking Account are subject to change as per directives of SBP or as decided by the Bank from time to time.
- Foreign Currency, Current or Savings Accounts and time deposits may be opened in U.S. Dollars, Pound Sterling, Euro, Japanese Yen, Chinese Yuan and such other currency, as the Bank shall determine, as allowed by local regulations in force from time to time.
- Foreign currency Accounts/deposits are opened and maintained subject to Foreign Exchange Regulations and directives of the Government of Pakistan, or any of its concerned organizations/agencies and SBP from time to time.
- Rates of return on Foreign Currency Deposits are subject to change as determined by the Bank from time to time. The return on Foreign Currency Savings Accounts will be paid on a six monthly basis ending June and December, or as may otherwise be decided by the Bank from time to time.
- The Bank shall not be responsible or liable to the Customer or the Depositors of foreign currency with the Bank in the event of any restrictions imposed by the SBP/Government of Pakistan on withdrawal of funds due to unavailability of foreign currency or refusal of SBP for the time being to sell the foreign currency necessary to meet the request of withdrawal or due to enforcement of any new law, instructions, directives, etc., by the Government or SBP whereby any other restriction is imposed on the withdrawal, transfer or conversion of funds or due to act of God, war, civil commotion, strikes or any other acts or causes beyond the control of Bank and as a result of which it is not possible for the Bank to allow withdrawal, transfer and conversion from the Foreign Currency Accounts/Deposits.
- The Bank shall have no responsibility for, or liability to, the Customer for any diminution due to taxes or depreciation in the value of foreign currency credited to the Account whether due to devaluation or fluctuation in the exchange rate or otherwise.
- Any and all cash withdrawal(s) shall be subject to the availability of sufficient currency notes with the Bank.
- The exclusive place of jurisdiction for any claims brought against the Bank is the competent court in Pakistan where the pertinent Branch of the Bank is located or at other forums like State Bank of Pakistan or Banking Mohtasib of Pakistan.
- Zakat, wherever applicable, shall be deducted on valuation dates from Accounts having balance in excess of the exempted limit as declared for that particular Zakat year.
- Declaration on prescribed pro forma for exemption from deduction of Zakat will be registered with the Bank at least one month prior to the valuation date or as per Zakat rules applicable from time to time.
- Withholding Tax shall be recovered as per Tax Laws in force. All other federal, provincial and local duties, levies and taxes shall be payable by the Customer and the Bank has the authority to debit the Customer’s Account in respect of such duties, levies and taxes.
- The balance(s) in any Account(s) that is/are not operated during the last Fifteen (15) years shall be surrendered to SBP as “UNCLAIMED DEPOSITS” as per provisions of Section 31 of Banking Companies Ordinance (BCO), 1962. The Bank will surrender unclaimed Deposits (except in the name of a Minor or a Government or a Court of Law) to SBP after serving a three-month notice in writing by registered post acknowledgement to the creditor on his/her/their address last made known to the Bank. Additionally, an Account in which no customer-initiated transaction (debit or credit) or activity (e.g. login through digital channels) has taken place at a stretch for a specified period, as may be decided by the Bank, which is currently twelve months will be treated as “Dormant Account” and will be marked as debit block and will require Customer’s specific request for activation as per approved procedure.
- If the Customer’s Account shows zero balance for a specified period as decided by the Bank (currently 12 months), the Bank shall have the right to close the Account. For reactivation of any of these Accounts, the Account Holder must initiate a request which may be supported by a copy of valid CNIC (if already not available with the Branch).
- The Bank shall be entitled to levy any charges on services rendered to its Customers. The threshold for such charges, such as maintenance of minimum balance, number of transactions in the Account and other service-oriented matters, will be notified in the Bank’s SOC or through press/media/SMS/Website/Social Media or through any other communication channel.
- The Bank may, without any further express authorization from the Customer, debit any Account of the Customer maintained with the Bank for all expenses, fees, commissions, mark-up, interest, taxes, duties or other charges and losses incurred, suffered or sustained by the Bank, including penalties that may be imposed by SBP in connection with the opening/operations/maintenance of the Account and/or providing the Services and/or for any other banking service which the Bank may extend to the Customer.
- Service Charges will not be applicable on those Accounts, which are specifically declared as EXEMPTED by the Bank from time to time.
- For Customers having account with Bank, statements will be sent to them either through a courier company, express post services of Pakistan Post or through email as required under BPRD Circular No. 2 of 2010 or amended from time to time. Customer may notify any discrepancies in statement of accounts within 45 days from the date of issue, after which the Bank’s statement will be considered final. Banks will send statement of accounts as per frequency stipulated by SBP, and only charge as per rules set by SBP.
- The post office and other agents of delivery services shall be considered as facilitators for the delivery of Statements of Account(s), letters, negotiable instruments, remittances, etc., and the Customer understands that the Bank will not assume any responsibility for any mishandling, incorrect delivery, delayed delivery, non-delivery, impairment, deterioration, damage, reduction, misappropriation, embezzlement, loss and theft, any negligence and mistake whatsoever committed by employee(s), authorized representatives/agents of Pakistan Post/courier or any other agents of delivery in performing their services, duties, functions, responsibilities thereof including transmission of Statements of Account(s), letters, documents, negotiable instruments, remittances etc., including any theft or pilferage of cheque leaves of cheque book in transit sent by post at Customer’s request.
- The Statements of Account(s) will be sent at the last communicated address/email address of the Customer with the Bank. The Customer has the responsibility to keep his/her/its address/email address updated with the Bank so as to receive the Statement of Account and other communications at his/her/its correct address. The Statements of Account(s) will be sent entirely at the risk of the Customer. The Bank shall not be liable in any manner in case a Statement of Account is intercepted or falls in the hands of unauthorized persons or is mis-delivered in post.
- The Bank shall ensure that debit and credit entries are correctly recorded in all Accounts, but in case of any error, the Bank shall be within its rights to rectify the error unilaterally and shall be authorized to recover any amount wrongly paid or credited together with any accrued interest, mark-up or profit. The Bank shall not be liable for any loss or damage due to such errors and subsequent reversals.
- I understand that my provision of email to Bank establish that email is my preferred mode of communication and I hereby gives my consent to Bank for provisioning monthly/half yearly/yearly Statement of Account electronically to me on the provided email address.
- Statements of Accounts sent via electronic mail shall be provided at the sole risk and responsibility of the Customer and the Bank shall not be held liable or responsible against any loss or damage resulting to the Customer, on account of any delay, inaccurate transmission, hacking of communication by unscrupulous persons, incorrect transmission or error. The Bank may at its discretion impose additional conditions before accepting requests for electronic mail Statements of Accounts.
- Intimation sent through any communication channel (email, SMS, WhatsApp etc.) regarding transactions executed through Card/Account or other e-Banking Channels sent from the Bank shall be considered as delivered to the Customer.
- The Customer must check the Transaction Records from the Account Statement sent by the Bank as per the set frequency or the service can also be availed through e-Banking channels.
- The Customer will inform the Bank within 7 days of Transaction or issuance of Statement, whichever is later, if any irregularities or discrepancies exist in the Transaction particulars of the Account on any Account Statement that the Bank sends to the Customer. If the Bank does not receive any such objection within 7 days of transaction or issuance of Statement, the Bank will assume all Transactions as correct and can be treated as conclusive evidence for all purposes.
- In the event that the Card or other e-Banking Channel service is used at any ATM/CCDM or the Card is used online through permissible digital channels and the Customer is not debited or debited with short amount despite the Transaction having been successfully executed, he/she must inform the Bank within 7 working days of the impugned Transaction, otherwise the Bank’s Statement of Account and records shall be deemed to be conclusive of the matter.
- The Bank may, at its absolute discretion, accept stop payment instructions from the Customer for the cheques if a cheque is reported lost or stolen provided the necessary details of the lost/stolen cheque are given by the Customer. Should the Bank accept any such instructions from Depositor or from some other person purporting to be the Customer or authorized by the Customer, the Customer hereby irrevocably and unconditionally agrees to fully indemnify the Bank at all times against any loss, damages, costs, expenses, claims, suits (including any legal costs) or demands incurred by the Bank directly or indirectly as a result of or in connection therewith. It is the Customer’s responsibility to inform his/her/their concerned Branch about the loss or theft of cheque(s) on a timely basis. The Bank is responsible to act in accordance with the instructions of the Customer after exercising due diligence.
- In the event of death of Customer(s) and in the absence of a contract to the contrary, the credit balance in any Account, in the name of an individual, will be payable to the legal heirs of the deceased individual Customer after obtaining Indemnity Bond/Succession Certificate, as per prevailing policy of the Bank.
- If the Account is in the name of two or more persons the credit balance will be payable to the legal heirs of the deceased Account Holder(s) along with the remaining Account Holder(s) on production of Indemnity Bond/Succession Certificate as the case may be, as per prevailing policy of the Bank, except in case where joint Account Holder(s) have specifically authorized remaining or any one of the Account Holder to receive the balance in the Account, the same shall be paid accordingly to the instructions of the said joint holder(s).
- The Bank may at any time debit and recover from the Account(s) the value of any instrument discounted, negotiated, purchased or collected by the Bank in the event that the proceeds are not received against the same at any time and / or after receipt of proceeds the Account of the Bank is debited or proceeds recovered from the Bank upon return of the instrument by the drawee Bank or correspondent of the Bank.
- In case of operating instructions “Either or Survivor(s)” in the event of death of either of the Customer(s), the credit balance in the Account will be paid to the surviving Customer(s) without any intimation to anyone and Survivor(s) in this regard shall keep the Bank indemnified against any future claim.
- In the event of death of a partner in case of a partnership Account, the operation of the Account shall be suspended until the firm is reconstituted and a revised partnership deed is submitted to the Bank. Provided however, if the partnership deed specifically provides that death of a partner shall not dissolve the firm in terms of section 42 of Partnership Act, 1932, and the deceased partner was one of the signatories to the Account then the Customer shall provide specimen signature of another partner in lieu of the signature of the deceased partner, along with an indemnity in the form and substance acceptable to the Bank for operation of the Account.
- In the event of demise of a director in case of a limited company or an institution, or an officer, office bearer, etc., in case of a society or any other entity or a trustee in case of a trust and such director, officer, office bearer or trustee, etc., as the case may be, was the sole signatory or one of the joint signatories to the Account, the operation of the Account shall be suspended until the Customer submits a fresh board resolution, along with specimen signatures of the directors, officers, office bearers, trustees, etc., authorized to operate the Account.
- The Bank reserves the right to close the Account, which is not being operated in a manner satisfactory to the Bank or for any other reason whatsoever, without disclosing the reason for closure of the said Account to the Customer. The Bank also reserves the right to terminate any other type of relationship(s) e.g. lockers, safe custody, credit/debit card(s), internet banking etc.
- Notwithstanding anything contained here-in-above, in case the Bank in its sole discretion decides to close any Account, for any reason other than prescribed herein, it shall give an advance written notice of seven calendar days to the Customer, requiring the Customer to withdraw the credit balance (if such Account has credit balance and the Customer is not indebted to the Bank in any respect). If after receipt of such notice, the Customer does not withdraw the balance, the Bank shall have the right to issue ABC in the name of the Customer and dispatch the same by courier service at the risk and cost of the Customer. The charges for pay ABC and courier service shall be deducted from such credit balance before preparing the ABC.
- On closure of an Account for any reason whatsoever, any unused cheques, credit/debit card and Locker Key(s) in case Locker(s) are provided to the Customer relating to the Account, must be returned forthwith by the Customer to the Bank. Alternatively, with regard to unused cheques and/or credit/debit cards, it must be confirmed to the satisfaction of the Bank that the unused cheques and credit/debit cards have been destroyed. Unused cheques, cards, etc., shall become void and of no effect, whether or not the same are returned to the Bank.
- In the case of winding up of a corporate Entity holding a single Account, the Account shall be permitted to be operated by the liquidator or official liquidator, as the case may be, for the purpose of completing the winding up process and distribution of the credit balance among the shareholders and/or the creditors or other beneficiaries. In case of insolvency of partnership firm or an individual or a sole proprietorship concern, holding a single Account, the Account shall be permitted to be operated by the official assigning appointed by a competent court for the purpose of distribution of the credit balance among the partners/individuals/sole proprietor and/or the creditors or other beneficiaries, subject to the production of appropriate evidence, as may be deemed necessary by the Bank.
- In case of dissolution of one or more of the Entity(ies) holding a joint Account, the operation of the Account will be stopped until appropriate order is obtained from a competent court for release of the credit balance.
- In case of merger of one or more Entity(ies) with another or other Entity(ies), the legal successor shall be substituted as the pertinent joint Account Holder(s) in place of the dissolved Entity(ies), subject to the production of appropriate merger orders of the competent court of authority.
- On notification of the Customer in writing or through any mode prescribed by the Bank in any of the document about fresh/present contact details to any of the authorized office(s)/representative(s) of the Bank, the Bank is authorized to update the record by amending the previous particulars to fresh/latest one
- The Bank may transfer any or all the Account(s) of Customer at its sole discretion to any of its branch and can close, remark, freeze, suspend dealings with any or all the Accounts of Customer at its sole discretion or under law or practice or at the instance of any Court, Administrative Order or otherwise without prior notice to the Customer and without incurring any risk, responsibility or liability for any breach of trust, obligation or duty on its part.
- Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in these Terms and Conditions, the Bank shall have the right at any time and at its sole discretion to consolidate, combine and/or merge all or any Accounts in the name of Customer without prior notice to the Customer and such right to consolidate, combine and/or merge shall include the right to adjust or set-off any indebtedness which the Account Holder may incur in favor of the Bank, irrespective of the currency or currencies involved.
- In the event the Bank shall accept or incur any liability on the Customer’s request, the Bank shall have a lien on all funds, monies, securities and other properties of whatsoever nature belonging to the Customer in the possession of the Bank for the due repayment of such liability. In the event of any default by the Customer the Bank without further notice to the Customer may take such steps to dispose or realize the properties as it may deem fit and apply the net proceeds of such disposal or realization in settlement of all outstanding against the Customer.
- The Bank is subject to all applicable circulars, orders, directives, rules, regulations, laws, decrees and restrictions issued by governmental and other regulatory authorities in Pakistan and the liability of the Bank for payment is governed by applicable laws and regulations in force in Pakistan at the relevant time. Repayment of any deposits, account balances, or interest/profit thereon is subject to any acts of the Government of Pakistan, SBP and any governmental and other regulatory authority in Pakistan.
- The Bank shall make endeavors to preserve the secrecy of the Account of the Customer. Nevertheless, the Customer hereby expressly authorizes the Bank to disclose the information if such is required by any court, lawful authority, any investigating agency, SBP, and in accordance with usage amongst banks/DFIs any government agency or such person or authority, as the Bank feels that such disclosure is necessary.
- The Bank would not accept any liability or claim on account of any error in its system or products due to failure of electricity or computers or for any reason whatsoever which prevents the Bank from making available any of its services/products to Customers on a particular day or for any period from any of its Branches or e-Banking Channels.
- The Bank shall not be responsible and liable to Customer (s) in any manner for any diminution, depreciation, impairment, reduction, non-convertibility, non-transferability, loss and unavailability of the funds in their respective Accounts due to taxes, cesses, duties, seizure, confiscation and any other act beyond the control of the Bank.
- In case the Customer leaves the country with intention of remaining abroad for six months or more in a year or after leaving the country remains abroad for more than six months, he/she shall immediately inform the Bank. On receipt of such information from the Customer or through some other reliable source, the Account will be categorized as a non-resident account and operations will be subject to SBP’s rules and regulations applicable from time to time with regard to non-resident accounts.
- The Customer represent to the Bank that the funds/Account shall not be used for money-laundering purposes, any terrorist activities or any other unlawful purposes and that the sources of funds deposited in the Account from time to time shall always be lawful. The Customer agrees to provide any information requested by the Bank for the purpose of complying with any related laws, rules and regulations and the policy of the Bank/SBP in respect of the transactions in local currency, as well as Foreign Currency Accounts.
- All Accounts shall be opened with the initial minimum deposit as prescribed for the respective Accounts/products by the Bank in accordance with its prevailing policy, which shall be open for revision from time to time by the Bank at its sole discretion. The Customer will be required to maintain a minimum balance in the Account as per parameters of the Account/ products and in case of failure to do so, an Account Maintenance Charge as per its then prevailing policy shall apply and be debited to the pertinent Account.
- Any notice, intimation, demand or other communication sent to the Customer(s) by the Bank by mail /electronic mail/SMS to last known address / mobile No. registered with the Bank or through any other communication channel(s) shall be considered to have been duly delivered to Customer(s). In case of joint Account, notice/intimation to any one of the joint Account Holders shall be sufficient and the Bank will need not give separate notices to all joint Account Holders.
- The Customer hereby irrevocably and unconditionally agrees and undertakes at all times hereafter to fully indemnify the Bank and keep the Bank, its Directors, Officers and Employees indemnified and harmless from and against all sorts of losses, damages, costs, charges, expenses of whatsoever nature if any suffered, sustained and incurred whether directly or indirectly by Bank, its successors-in-interest, administrators and assigns and howsoever arising out of or in connection with suits, claims, actions, demands, liabilities, proceedings of whatsoever nature made or brought or filed against the Bank by whomsoever in connection with or arising out of Bank’s opening the Account, accepting deposits and providing such banking services as requested by Customer or in connection Depositor and Customer further undertakes to pay the Bank unconditionally and within seven (7) calendar days of the Bank’s first written demand any or all the amount of such claims, costs, fees, expenses, losses and damages if any sustained, suffered and incurred by the Bank.
- The Customer shall not hold the Bank liable and responsible and shall not claim against it anything in any manner, if any of the instructions of the Customer are not complied with or any delay takes place in complying with these instructions for any reason whatsoever.
- The Customer hereby waives its rights to any and all claims it may have against the Bank pursuant to the Accounts, banking products/services availed from time to time on these terms and that may arise at any time from or in connection with the Bank’s acts or omissions under or related to these Terms and Conditions and procedures unless such claim is based on the fraud or willful misconduct of the Bank. The Bank’s interpretation of these Terms and Conditions shall be final and binding on the Customer. The Customer(s) has/have signed the Application Form as token of acceptance of the Bank’s Terms and Conditions and shall be deemed to have read and understood the terms prior to such signing.
- In case of pricing of interest or mark-up on overdraft, the Bank may charge a fixed or floating rate, as agreed with their Customers, in accordance with the prevailing rules and regulations. The Bank may correct erroneous and incorrect posting of entries and inform the Customer subsequently.
- The Bank has the right/authority to reverse/block the amount/Account in case of suspicious or fraudulent transactions or transactions involving money laundering or any other act facilitating fraud, forgery, misconduct, money laundering, on instructions of law enforcement agency/Federal Board of Revenue (if provisioned under law).
- In case of death or bankruptcy, the Bank will stop operation in the Account immediately, after the receipt of official notice or as and when becomes aware of it from any other reliable source.
- In case of return of any communication from the Bank e.g. Statement of Account, letters, Letter of Thanks etc. returned undelivered, the Bank has the right to mark subject accounts as debit block. The debit block condition will not be removed until correct address is provided.
- In the event of the Customer’s death, the Bank shall be notified immediately by the Customer’s next of kin or successors for blockage of the Account and any Card issued shall be promptly returned to the Bank for cancellation.
- Pending provision of a succession certificate by the successors of the Customer or such other document as the Bank may specify, the Account will remain frozen and any Transactions made prior to the date of freezing of the Account will be to the Customer’s sole Account until such notice of death is received in writing by the Bank.
- The Bank has the authority to reverse any wrong or erroneous credit effected in the Account. If due to reversal of such entry, the Account is overdrawn, the Customer will be liable to pay outstanding amount plus mark-up at 6 months KIBOR plus 400 bsp without any commitment from the Bank to grant any finance facility.
- Communication between the Bank and Customer through all means of communication either as voice or video, may be recorded for various purposes including but not limited to maintain service quality, future reference, compliance of regulatory requirements etc.
- All pension accounts shall be governed under rules/guidelines issued by Govt/SBP from time to time.
- In case of use of Biometric verification functionality in the Branch for cash withdrawal, funds transfer and other payments, it being agreed that Customer shall use this functionality entirely on his/her/its own risk, cost and consequences.
- The Bank reserves the right to hold/block funds in Customer’s Account against any liability Customer have with the Bank.
- All Customer data/information collected shall be retained for an additional period of ten (10) years following close of the relationship between the Customer and the Bank or as per regulatory/statutory requirements.
- Customer’s signature shall be validated from specimen signature card for future transactions and updates.
- Notwithstanding, anything contained herein above, the Customer will irrevocably and unconditionally agree and undertake at all times to comply, fulfill, abide by and be bound and governed by/under all Terms and Conditions of the Bank as well as such Terms and Conditions which have been prescribed as per directives of the State Bank of Pakistan and as per laws of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in all respects and circumstances.
- The Bank reserves the right to realize the Account Maintenance/Service Charges from the Depositor in cash or by debit to the Account, if the balance maintained by the Depositor with the Bank in the Account, at any point of time, falls below the prescribed minimum limit fixed by the Bank from time to time. The rate of Account maintenance/service charges for violating the prescribed minimum limit will be as per the Schedule of Bank Charges or as determined by the Bank in any form / manner, from time to time.
- These Terms and Conditions are in addition to and not in substitution for the Terms and Conditions, Rules and Regulations, Procedures and Methods of the Bank governing the Account(s) and all other products, term Deposits, Deposit Schemes and Services offered to Depositor from time to time.
- The Bank respects the Account Holder’s legitimate needs of privacy and its policy is and will continue to be held in confidence information about the Account and the Account Holder. However, in certain circumstance, the Account Holder agrees that the Bank may give out or disclose information about the Account and the Account Holder and its use to any Third party in case of, amongst others, the following circumstances:
- The Bank is required to do so by any court order or similar process;
- The Bank decides in its sole discretion that it should do so in connection with unusual or suspicious transactions or suspected money laundering or other serious crime;
- Disclosure is required by law, regulation or code of conduct or is made in response to any enquiry from a government (or any of its agencies) or regulatory body which has jurisdiction over the Bank;
- The Bank is required or permitted to do so under the law or rules of any regulatory body of which it is a member or whose rules or provisions apply to the Bank.
- The Bank may also disclose/provide such details to third parties where it is reasonably necessary to do so for processing the Account Holder’s dealings/ transactions with them or to enable them to offer their products or services to the Account Holder.
- The Bank or its agent may retain copies of records concerning the Account in paper, electronic or any other form that the Bank may decide and at search locations as it may choose. The Account Holder shall indemnify and keep the Bank indemnified against all consequences that may arise due to such aforesaid disclosure.
- The Account Holder agrees and understands that the Bank has the right to make inquiry or reference pertaining to the Account Holder from third parties.
These Terms and Conditions comprise the Agreement between the Bank and the Customer in connection with the Allied Bank’s ATM, CCDM, ITM, Cards, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, WhatsApp banking, USSD, SMS, IVR, NFC/HCE, QR, POS, Self Service Kiosk and other e-Banking Channels currently available or will be available in future for the Customers. These Terms and Conditions must be read in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions for Bank Accounts as applicable from time to time.
The Customer’s request for subscription/provisioning of any e-Banking Channel service through means prescribed by the Bank, shall be considered as his/her/its consent for the provision of that particular service.
Some Card/e-Banking services may be available for domestic use only. Use of these services outside jurisdiction of Pakistan may require activation/deactivation by the Customer through modes prescribed by the banks.
- I/we hereby expressly agree and empower the Bank to use, resort to and apply any of the tools/modes from amongst the various tools, modes and mediums available with it for the time being in force and/or that may be available to the Bank in future, but not limited to: incoming call by Customer, Call Back Confirmation, One Time Password, Biometric Image Verification, Soft Token, Robo Call or any other alike tools/modes/mediums for verification of authenticity of the Customer myself and/or any request made during the course of the Customer’s relationship with the Bank and in this respect I/we expressly agree and undertake with the Bank not to raise any objection, let or question in any manner whatsoever, absolutely.
- I/we hereby expressly agree and empower that the Bank may obtain/demand from me/us my/our digital/organic signature electronically to open my/our Account and/or for allowing/subscription of any of its Services subsequently.
- By accepting these terms, the Customer unconditionally authorizes the Bank to access all his/her/its Account(s) by default for effecting banking or other transactions through e-Banking Channels.
- By accepting these terms, the Customer agrees that the Bank can share the Customer’s information included but not limited to Customer’s personal identifiable, critical or sensitive data with service providers for provisioning of e-Banking Channel services/communication. The service providers may view, store and process the information shared and can further share it with other service provider(s)/third parties for provisioning of requested services.
- Bank shall ensure that all the communication with Third party and information stored at Third party end is encrypted and other appropriate/necessary security measures have been taken for security of data.
- Customer fully acknowledges the fact that cloud-based service located outside the country may be involved/used for provisioning of e-Banking Channel Services. However, in this case the Bank shall ensure the sharing of minimum information required for the availability of requested service with appropriate/necessary security measures.
- The Customer shall also agree with the privacy policies and terms and condition of use of any independent communication services (e.g. WhatsApp, LinkedIn, live chat text & video services etc.) owned by third parties and shall understand that the Bank has no control over them. Moreover, Bank shall ensure that personal data is processed lawfully with due care and all necessary security measures be taken to protect sensitive data of the Customers.
- After receipt of the Card or subscription to e-Banking Channel services and their activation thereof, Customer will generate PIN for future use by using the specified procedure as devised by the Bank.
- Allied Bank never asks Customer for personal information (User ID, password, PIN, OTP, Transactional PIN, Mother’s Maiden Name, Card Number, Card Expiry, CVV) through phone calls, weblinks, SMS, emails social media or through any other communication channel nor the regulator/SBP. Also, the Bank never calls their customer from 111-225-225. Customer acknowledges that he/she will not share any information to such callers claiming to be from Allied Bank/Government/Security Agencies or SBP etc. otherwise Bank shall not be liable for any unauthorized transactions occurring through Card and other e-Banking Channels and the Customer hereby affirms to fully indemnify and holds Allied Bank harmless against any such action, suit, proceeding initiated against it or any loss, cost or damage incurred by it as a result thereof.
- It is the responsibility of the Customer to protect the device, registered SIM used to generate/receive OTP/Transactional PIN/PIN/Password to originate different transactions/service requests through Branch/e-Banking Channels and indemnifies Bank against sharing this information with others and owns the risks associated with its use.
- If the PIN is held with the Card and subsequently lost or stolen, the Cardholder will be liable for all Transactions. If Customer himself/herself/themselves provides access to any of e-Banking Channels or discloses the PIN, even then the Customer will be liable for all subsequent Transactions.
- If someone else knows or is suspected of knowing the PIN, it must be changed/regenerated immediately by the Customer through mode prescribed by the Bank and also notified to the Bank by calling the helpline number or through any other mode/procedure as specified by the Bank from time to time.
- In case of using the e-Banking Channels/services by using Cardholder’s own device it is the responsibility of the Customer to ensure that the device is protected against viruses, spyware and other destructive or disruptive components. It is also the responsibility of the Customer to ensure that all up to date security patches, anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-malware and firewall software are installed on the device. In case subscriber’s SIM is compromised by respective telco due to any reason, Bank shall not be held liable for any loss suffered by the subscriber.
- e-Banking Channel services to the Customer shall be subject to the subscriber’s data network connection and his/her/their device compatibility for the services where Customer’s own device is used. Therefore, Customer hereby agrees that he/she/it shall be solely responsible without any binding on the Bank, for upgrading any software, hardware and the operating system at his/her/its own cost from time to time so as to be compatible to continue to avail the e-Banking Channel Services offered by the Bank.
- In case of change of own device, it is the responsibility of Customer to uninstall e-Banking Channel related applications and remove all personal, financial and other related information stored on such device.
- The Customer shall take all necessary precautions to prevent unauthorized and illegal use of e-Banking Channel services and unauthorized use or access to the Account(s).
- The Customer should not leave the System unattended while accessing the e-Banking Channels/ services, responsibility in this regard lies with the Customer to protect the mobile/device which is/are being used to receive OTP / message associated with the usage of e-Banking Channels/Services.
- The Customer agrees that charges, fees, duties, levies and other expenses (collectively the “charges”) will be charged by the Bank for the issuance and usage of the Card or e-Banking Channel services.
- The Customer agrees to pay and reimburse the Bank all or any of such charges immediately upon demand.
- Such charges will change from time to time at the discretion of the Bank and it is the Customer’s responsibility to obtain the prevailing rates of such charges from the nearest Bank’s Branch or ABL website.
- In case Customer continues to use the Card and/or e-Banking Channel services after effective date of revised SOC, the Bank will have sufficient reason to believe that the Customer has accepted changes to the charges.
- If the Customer uses the Card/e-Banking Channels for Transactions outside Pakistan (including ATMs/CCDMs, POS purchases and e-Commerce transactions), the Customer will also be liable for currency conversion and service fee which is charged upfront at the time of the Transaction. However, the Bank makes no warranty nor assumes any liability or responsibility for any limitation on conversion or availability of foreign exchange whether due to State Bank of Pakistan or otherwise.
- Illegal or improper use of e-Banking Channel services shall render the Customer liable for payment of financial charges as decided by the Bank and/or result in suspension of the operations through Card/Account/other e-Banking Channels. Any penalties levied by any regulatory authority with regard to the Customer’s use of Card and other e-Banking Channel Services shall be the liability of the Customer. The Customer undertakes to comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing the Account of the Customer. For the avoidance of doubt, the governing law is the substantive and procedural laws of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
- Charges relating to different services may be changed by the Bank at any time and from time to time by notice (whether general, specific or by publication in the Bank’s SOC) to the Customer. Any such changes will be effective from the date stated on the Notice or SOC or such later date as may be expressly specified therein by the Bank. However, any charges or fees due to e-Banking Channel service provider in respect of the use of the e-Banking Channels and any variations thereto made by e-Banking Channel Service provider shall be solely to the Customer only and the Bank shall not be liable for the same.
- All charges are non-refundable unless otherwise indicated by the Bank.
- The total amount/count of transactions carried out in any one day shall be limited to certain amounts/ number of transactions/conditions as published on Bank’s website ( from time to time. The Customer shall not initiate EFT/bill payment/e-commerce transaction(s) above intraday limits as prescribed by the Bank or set by the Customer themselves.
- The Customer is not authorized to enter into Transactions using the Card and other e-Banking Channel services to a value in excess of the credit balance (if any) of the Account from time to time.
- If the Bank is asked to authorize a Transaction, the Bank may take into consideration any other Transactions which have been authorized but not debited from the Account or other activities which may result in unavailability of sufficient funds in the Account to pay the amount that would be due in respect of such Transaction, the Bank may at its own absolute discretion refuse to authorize such Transaction, in which event such Transaction will not be debited to the Account. The Bank shall not be liable for any loss resulting from any such refusal to authorize any Transaction.
- In the event that there are insufficient funds in the Account to pay for any transaction or other amount payable from the Account, including any mark-up, fees, charges, currency conversion charges, service fee or any other payments due to the Bank, the Bank may in its own absolute discretion (and without any obligation to do so) transfer or arrange the transfer of sufficient funds from any other account held by the Customer with the Bank to the Account. In this regard, the Customer permits, authorizes and consents to the Bank consolidating, combining or setting off any such credit balances existing in such other accounts against the Transactions charged or to be charged by the Customer against the Account.
- In case Account is overdrawn by using the e-Banking Channel services due to technical reasons, Customer will be liable for payment immediately on demand of the overdrawn amount along with mark-up/interest etc. at the rate specified by the Bank at its discretion. Bank also reserves the right to proceed legally for recovery of said amount at Customer’s cost, risk and responsibility.
- A Transaction cannot be cancelled by the Customer after it has been completed. However, the Bank reserves the right to reject or suspend transaction in particular EFT transaction lacking minimum required information or where mandatory field are not filled in with appropriate details or due to risk associated with the transaction (Based on certain rules).
- If a retailer or supplier makes a refund by means of a Transaction the Bank will credit the Account when it receives the retailer or supplier’s proper instructions and the funds in respect of such refund, provided that the Bank will not be responsible for any loss resulting from any delay in receiving such instructions and funds.
- The Bank normally executes the transaction as soon as the Bank receives proper instructions from Customer, delay in execution may occur in this regard due to any unforeseen reason. Bank in this regard will not be liable for any loss resulting from any such delay.
- Customer can initiate e-Banking Channel Services activation/de-activation/subscription/un-subscription request through mode prescribed by the Bank. Such activation/deactivation requests may take a certain time period to be brought into effect and the Bank shall not be liable for availability of service/processing of data during that time period.
- The Bank reserves the right to activate partial services or hold activation of any service without any prior notice to the Customer.
- The Bank shall not be liable for any loss resulting from the refusal of any retailer, supplier, other bank or card operated machine to accept use of the Card/e-Banking Services in connection with any Transaction/discounts.
- No claims of the Customer against any retailer or supplier may be the subject of set-off, claim or counterclaim against the Bank. The Bank shall not be liable in any way for the quality, quantity, sufficiency, acceptability, merchantability of goods and/or services booked, used or purchased by the Customer through the use of the Card/e-Banking Service or for any breach or non-performance of any Card/e-Banking Service Transactions by a retailer or supplier.
- The retailer or supplier shall under no circumstances be regarded as an agent or representative of the Bank and the Bank shall be neither responsible nor liable in any manner for any acts or omissions or breach of representations on part of the Merchant.
- The customer/accountholder hereby consent to bank to provide him/her electronically, through email available in bank’s record, the Statement of Account, if any Electronic Fund Transfer transaction(s) shall be initiated by him/her through e-banking channel(s), at a frequency set by SBP EFT regulations or otherwise as shall be in force for the time being.
- Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Bank may, from time to time and at its sole discretion, promote the goods or services of certain specified companies (affiliates) amongst all or any of its Subscribers.
- If such a promotion is made available to the Customer and the Customer avails the promotion, the Customer agrees that in addition to these Terms and Conditions, the Customer will abide by the Terms and Conditions of the promotion as stipulated therein. Such promotion may be withdrawn at any time without notice to the Customer.
- Services, discounts, promotions & privileges offered by the Bank or allies through Cards/e-Banking Channels are subject to related terms and condition and Bank shall not be liable if merchant/services provider refuses to honor the Services, discounts, promotions & privileges.
- The Bank may also decide to deactivate any e-Banking service at any time for specific or all Customers.
- The Bank may decide to deactivate/temporary block any e-Banking service at any time for security / any other reasons even without prior intimation to Customer and Bank would not be held liable for any inconvenience/loss/sub sequential loss.
- The Bank may terminate the Agreement comprised in these Terms and Conditions by notifying the Customer
- Termination of the Agreement comprised in these Terms and Conditions shall not prejudice any liability in respect of things done or omitted to be done prior to termination thereof.
- The Agreement comprised in these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to remain in full force and effect if and in so far as any Transaction is completed but not debited to the Account prior to termination thereof.
- Allied Bank tries its utmost to keep the e-Banking Channels in up & running condition, however under no circumstances shall the Bank be held liable to the Customer if any e-Banking Channels are not available in the desired manner for reasons including but not limited to natural calamities, legal restraints, faults in the telecommunication network or network failure, hardware failure, scheduled maintenance/upgrade or any other reason beyond the control of the Bank. Under no circumstances shall be Bank liable for any damages whatsoever whether such damages are direct, indirect, incidental, consequential and irrespective of whether any claim is based on loss of revenue, interruption of business or any loss of any character or nature whatsoever and whether sustained by the Customer or by any other person.
- The technology for enabling EFT and other services offered by Allied Bank could be affected by virus or other malicious, destructive or corrupting code, program or macro. It may also be possible that Allied Bank system/website may require maintenance and during such time services may not be available to the Customer or it may not be able to process the request of the Customer. This could result in delays in the processing of transactions or failure in the processing of transactions and other such failures and inability.
- The Bank will inform the Customer in advance through SMS, email or newspaper advertisement etc., if the services related to the e-Banking Channels in particular EFT services are to be temporarily unavailable due to any scheduled maintenance or up-grade of systems etc.
- The Bank shall not be liable to the Customer for any loss/sequential loss suffered as a result of the Bank being prevented from or delayed in providing any banking or other services to the Customer due to strikes, industrial action, failure of power supplies, systems or equipment or causes beyond the Bank’s control.
- In case of use of e-Banking Channel services through Biometric verification functionality for cash withdrawal, funds transfer and other payments, it being agreed that Customer shall use this functionality entirely on his/her/its own risk, cost and consequences.
- The Bank shall not be liable in any manner due to any accidental death, injury or property damage that may be sustained by the Customer in using the Card or other e-Banking Channel Services at the ATM/CDM vestibules or any other location, it being agreed that the Customer shall use the Card or other e-Banking Channel Services entirely at his/her/its own risk, cost and consequences.
- Whenever the e-Banking Channel Services is used by the Customer for payment of any utility or other bills, the Customer shall remain solely liable for any penalty, cost or surcharge which may be levied by the utility or service provider for late payment, irrespective of whether the Customer provided adequate notice and proper details to the Bank.
- In case of any unauthorized/fraudulent transaction(s) during the activation period of any e-banking service, the Bank shall not be held responsible or liable to the Customer.
- The Bank shall not be liable for an amount entered using the Customer’s OTP/Transactional PIN/password and/or the amount displayed on merchant website/mobile app/portal or through any other platform as a result of purchase of item(s) or other online shopping as the amount in this regard is being calculated by third-party systems (either directly or through intermediaries/aggregators) and Bank is only authorizing the amount against the request received from third-party system that Customer accepts to make payment and perform financial transaction. This includes any charges/surcharges or fees that are applicable on that transaction as per the terms & conditions of such third-party.
- The Bank is providing the e-Banking Channel services as it is and the Customer acknowledges that the services might not be error-free. The Bank will strive to provide professional services to keep the services (provided by bank/third-party) accessible and usable but provides no warranties, expressed or implied, for the performance, quality, availability or usability of this service.
- The Internet is susceptible to a number of frauds, misuse, hacking and other actions that could affect the transaction. Whilst the Bank shall aim to provide security to prevent the same, there cannot be any guarantee from such Internet frauds, hacking, call spoofing and other actions that could affect the fund transfer or any other payments. The Customer hereby indemnifies the Bank against all risks and losses associated with the use of e-Banking Channels.
- The transaction(s) for payments or purchase of items/goods may not be completed for some reasons. In such cases, the Customer shall not hold the Bank responsible in any manner in the said transaction(s) and contracts. The Bank is not a warrantor, insurer, or guarantor of the services to be provided by the Third-party. Items purchased by the Customer using e-Banking Services are sold without recourse against Allied Bank for any breach of contract. Any disputes regarding the quality, cost, expiration, cancellation, refund or other terms of the items purchased (or paid for) must be handled directly between the Customer and the Third-party service provider and the Customer’s sole recourse in this regard shall be with the third-party beneficiary of the proceeds of such payment transaction. Movie and event tickets cannot be cancelled or refund in any circumstances once the order is successfully placed. Bus tickets can be cancelled as per agreed terms with third party. Charges may apply in case of cancellation or change in bus ticket.
- The Customer authorizes disclosure to any company within the Bank’s group of companies, to any third-party processors, service providers and/or card personalization firms utilized by the Bank from time to time. Such information shall include but not be limited to the Customer’s details, the Card, the Account and any transaction as the Bank considers in its sole opinion to be necessary or desirable.
- The Customer I hereby convey his/her/their my consent to use information/documents provided by the Customer me for due diligence and supervisory functions.
- The Bank may also disclose information in relation to the Customer, such as information related to Card, Account or any Transaction related information with anyone as may be required by law, practice or usage.
- The Bank may share Customer’s KYC/other information with other banks/entities including Central Depository Company (CDC) of Pakistan and/or National Clearing Company of Pakistan Limited (NCCPL) as may be required by law, practice or usage.
- The Bank can share Customer’s information with Law enforcement agencies/regulator on their request which is permitted by law.
- The Customer hereby indemnifies and holds the Bank harmless against any or all losses, damages, costs or expenses which the Bank and the Customer suffers or sustains as a consequence of the Customer being in breach of these Terms and Conditions or the Customer using or permitting the use of the e-Banking Channel for any Transaction, whether illegal, unauthorized or otherwise.
- The Card/Biometric may be used to withdraw/deposit money at any ATM/ CCDM or to access any additional banking services offered through the ATMs/CCDMs/ITMs (e.g. transfer of funds locally from one account to another within the Bank or any other bank in Pakistan, as well as payment of utility or other bills) or to withdraw cash from cross border ATMs or to pay online or at retailer’s POS for goods and services or suppliers worldwide who accept the Card, depending upon the features of the product and subject to compliance with rules and regulations as applicable from time to time.
- Cardholder may avail Banking services in accordance with the Bank mandate including but not limited to Internet/ Mobile Banking and IVR facilities and any other Payment services/ facilities which the Bank may make available for Cardholders from time to time for which the cardholder signups/opts as per the prevailing procedures of the Bank.
- In the event the Cardholder uses the Card at any ATM/CCDM which is not operated by the Bank, then the Bank shall be entitled to rely on the records provided to it by the Switch service provider and any omission or failure by the Bank to contemporaneously debit the Cardholder’s Account for any Transaction by the Cardholder may be completed by the Bank on any subsequent date by direct debit without prior reference to the Cardholder.
- The Bank will only issue a Card if the Customer has requested for it through modes prescribed by the Bank against acceptance of the Terms and Conditions governing bank account and e-Banking Channels. Opening and maintaining an Account with the Bank is mandatory for issuance of the Card, use Biometric or any other Card less service,
- Name of Customer appearing on the Card may differ on Customer’s request from associated Account’s title.
- The Card belongs to the Bank and the Bank or any authorized officer, servant, employee, associate or agent of the Bank may retain the Card, require the Cardholder to return the Card or suspend the use of the Card at any time in its absolute discretion and the Bank shall not be liable for any loss suffered by the Cardholder as a result thereof. The Card may not be used by any person other than the Cardholder. In case the Card is required to be surrendered or retained by the Bank, the Biometric may also be suspended.
- In case the Card is required to be surrendered or retained by the Bank, the other services related to it may also be suspended.
- The Card is required to be activated by such mode as the Bank may specify by using his/her/its registered details.
- The Card is valid only for the period shown on it and will become invalid thereafter or if the Bank requires by notice in writing to the Cardholder that it be returned to the Bank.
- Card will also become invalid when the Account will be closed by either party and the Bank does not own any responsibility thereof after such occurrence towards any loss.
- Upon expiry of validity period, Card must be destroyed by cutting in half through magnetic strip and punching a hole in card chip.
- E-commerce facility is pre-activated on all Visa Cards. Customer must call ABL Helpline 111-225-225 or use myABL if he/ she wishes to de-activate the facility.
- International usage facility is blocked on all Cards. Customer has option to activate or block international usage through available channels.
- On expiry of validity, Card may be renewed against fee as per SOC. Customer should ensure proper disposal of old Card by cutting the Card in half through the magnetic strip, punching a hole in card chip.
- The Cardholder must take all precautions to prevent unauthorized use of the Card.
- If the Card is lost or stolen, the Cardholder shall immediately notify the Bank by calling helpline number and the Cardholder must, in addition, immediately notify the Bank of such loss or theft.
- The Cardholder will be liable for all Transactions until the Bank is duly notified in the foregoing manner.
- The Cardholder must co-operate with any officers, employees, representatives or agents of the Bank and/or law enforcement agencies in any efforts to recover the Card if it is lost or stolen.
- The Bank may disclose information with law enforcement agencies and other third parties about the Cardholder and the Account if the Bank thinks it will help avoid or recover any loss to the Cardholder or the Bank resulting from the loss, theft, misuse or unauthorized use of the Card.
- If the Card is found after the Bank has been given notice of its loss or theft the Cardholder must not use it again. The Card must be destroyed by cutting in half through the magnetic strip and punching a hole in card chip.
- Use of Card is susceptible to a number of risks including but not limited to skimming, phishing, hacking and other actions that can result to cash withdrawal(s), funds transfer(s) to other account(s) and other payments. Bank takes all possible measures to keep its Devices/gadgets (ATM, CDM. ITM etc.) secure and updated to mitigate such risks however, despite all the measures on the part of the Bank to protect its Customer’s against such risks, in case any of such incident happens, the Customer hereby agrees to indemnity/condone the Bank from such cases/events and consequential losses and Bank’s decision in respect of such disputed transactions shall be final in this regard.
- The Cardholder may terminate the Agreement comprised in these Terms and Conditions by notifying the Bank , and ensure proper disposal of Card by cutting the Card in half through the magnetic strip, punching a hole in card chip. Such termination shall be effective, subject to the provisions of the following paragraphs of this clause, upon receipt by the Bank of such request of termination by the Cardholder.
- In case of termination of contract, fees/ charges paid shall not be refunded to the Customer either in full or partial.
- All individual Accounts of the Customer based on CNIC shall be made available by default for myABL internet banking.
- The Customer acknowledges that in case any third person gets the Account access information, he/she would be able to transfer funds and perform other transactions. The Customer shall ensure that the terms and conditions applicable to the use of myABL Personal Internet Banking particularly related to the password, OTP /Transactional PIN/Codes, Soft Token, ATM PIN must be complied with at all times.
- Biometric Login is a feature of myABL Personal Internet Banking apps for Android & iOS smartphones where the Customer can use Fingerprint/Touch ID or Face ID registered on his/her mobile device in lieu of myABL User ID and Password as login credential to confirm his/her identity.
- The Customer must ensure that only his/her fingerprints/face recognition data is stored on his/her mobile device to login myABL Personal Internet Banking and understands that upon the successful Biometric Registration, any fingerprint/face recognition data that is stored on his/her mobile device can be used to access myABL Personal Internet Banking including access to his/her Accounts.
- The Customer acknowledges that the authentication is performed by the myABL Personal Internet Banking interfacing with the fingerprint/Face ID authentication module on his/her mobile device and he agrees to this authentication process.
- The Customer understands that the fingerprint/Face ID authentication module of his/her mobile device is not provided by the Bank, and Bank makes no representation or warranty as to the security of the fingerprint/face authentication function of any supported mobile device and whether it works in the way that the manufacturer of the device represents.
- Customer will ensure that device used for Biometric/Face ID be used in such a way that these credentials are not changed by anyone, with or without the Customer’s consent.
- Transfers made using biometric/face id functionality shall not be reversed/refunded except as may be accorded and consented by the beneficiary or the concerned payee/organization.
- The Customer hereby agrees that the Bank shall not be required to authenticate the Customer, if any service request such as balance, mini statement etc. received through WhatsApp on the Bank’s Registered Number and originated from Customer’s registered number or if the mobile number reflected in the requestor’s mobile detail is a Customer’s Registered Number, the Bank shall presume that the Customer himself/herself/themselves is interacting with Bank and request is originated by the Customer and Bank’s response sent against customer request shall be deemed lawful & customer will not object on it whatever will be the circumstances.
- Although the communication in this regard is end-to-end encrypted but the Customer understands and agrees that using WhatsApp application may carry risks and may not be secured. Therefore, any message and information exchanged is subject to the risk of being read, interrupted, defrauded or manipulated by third-party and Bank shall not be responsible for the consequences/losses arising out for using of Bank’s WhatsApp banking Services.
- The Customer accepts that each WhatsApp communication may contain certain Account related information relating to the Customer. The Customer authorizes Bank to send Account related information e.g., Account Number, Account balance or Account statement or any other financial service offered or to be offered in future through WhatsApp channel. Allied Bank shall not be held liable for breach of the confidentiality, secrecy and security of the personal or Account information being sent through the WhatsApp facility.
- All ABL Account Holders have access to this service upon its activation through means prescribed by the Bank.
- The Service will not become operational until the accountholder activates for any timeframe by such mode as the Bank may specify by using his/her/its registered details.
- This service only requires customer to provide Account Number and CNIC Number along with the OTP sent by Bank on registered mobile number to authorize transaction.
- The service will become inactive after expiry of the specified time period.
- The Subscriber acknowledges that the Digital Banking Service is the property of the Bank which has the copyright interest in all software and documentation relating to the Digital Banking Service and any subsequent amendments, including user guidelines in any form.The Bank’s trademarks and graphics used in connection with the Services are the property of the Bank. All other trademarks and graphics used are the property of their respective owners.
- These Terms and Conditions are subject to the rules and regulations, circulars and directives of the State Bank of Pakistan (as may be applicable from time to time) and will be governed by the substantive and procedural laws of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The courts in Pakistan will have exclusive jurisdiction.
- These Terms and Conditions are also issued in Urdu. In the event of any discrepancy or conflict between the interpretation of the provisions of such clauses against the Terms and Conditions stated above, the English version stated above shall prevail and be deemed to be authentic.
- Bank’s Interpretation of these Terms and Conditions regarding Account /e-Banking Channels will be considered final and binding.
- In these Terms and Conditions use of the singular will include the plural and vice versa and any one gender includes all the genders and any reference to person includes natural persons, firms, partnerships, companies and bodies corporate.
- The Terms and Conditions shall be binding upon the Customer/Account Holder/Depositor who hereby affirms and confirms having read and understood the same. The Customer/Account Holder/Depositor hereby confirms acceptance to these Terms and Conditions read and accepted the same.
Please read these Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) carefully. These Terms form a legal agreement between the Bank and you (the “Customer”). By clicking on “I Accept,” “I Agree,” or otherwise using the application, you accept and agree to the Terms contained herein. If you do not agree to these Terms, do not click “I Accept” or “I Agree,” or use the application. All information, logos, data, images, audio, video, presentations, software, designs, and other material and content included in, on, or produced by the sites, including any intellectual property rights associated with such content and material (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Content”), are owned by and the property of the Bank. You are permitted to use the sites and the content solely for your personal, non-commercial purposes, provided you comply with these Terms at all times. The Bank may revoke your permission to use the application or content at any time.
“Lender” shall mean the Bank, which sanctions, processes, and grants the Finance to the Customer(s) through the Platform. “Customer(s)” or “you” or “End-Users” shall mean any person who accesses, downloads, uses, or views the Platform and the Services. “Finance” shall mean the financing that the Customer may apply for through the Platform and which is sanctioned and granted by the Lender, subject to the applicable terms and conditions of the Finance Agreement. “Finance Agreement” shall mean the agreement executed between the Lender and the Customer(s) for granting the Finance, whether in physical or electronic form, as applicable from time to time. “Outstanding Amount(s)” shall mean the Finance amount and all related outstanding amounts, including the Transaction Fee due and payable by the Customer to the Lender. “Platform” shall mean the App and the Website collectively, managed and operated by the Lender. “Services” shall mean the services of granting, sanctioning, and lending short-term Finances through the Platform by the Lender. “User Data” shall mean any data, information, documents, or materials submitted by the Customer to the Lender during use of the Services. “Website” shall mean, managed and operated by the Lender for the provision of Services.
Through the Services, the Customer may apply for the Finance, subject to meeting the eligibility criteria outlined in the Mobile App/Website. The Customer authorizes the Lender to collect, authenticate, track its location, verify, and confirm the User Data, documents, and details as required by the Lender to sanction the Finance.
During the application process, the Customer may need to share and upload User Data on the Mobile Application Form/Website. The User Data may include personal information such as the Customer’s name, email address, postal address, gender, date of birth, mobile number, passwords, photograph, mobile phone information (including contact numbers, SMS, call logs, and browsing history), data and login credentials, financial information, and other relevant details (“Personal Information”).
The Customer agrees and ensures that the Personal Information provided is always authentic, accurate, correct, and complete. As part of the Services, the Customer authorizes the Lender to import their details and Personal Information available on Third Party Platforms. The Customer also understands and acknowledges that the Lender may periodically request updates on such Personal Information and may receive updated information from Third Party Platforms.
The Customer also authorizes the Lender to obtain the Customer’s credit information report from the State Bank of Pakistan. The Lender shall disburse the Finance subject to the terms and conditions of the Finance Agreement.
- The Customer may apply for PayDay Finance up to a maximum of fifty percent of the net salary (hereinafter referred to as the “PayDay Amount”).
- The Customer shall be charged 3 percent of the Finance amount as service charges, with a minimum of Rs. 370/- for this transaction, plus FED, or as specified and revised in the Bank’s Schedule of Charges from time to time.
The Customer agrees that the Lender is authorized to adjust/deduct the PayDay Amount from the salary of the succeeding month deposited in the Customer’s account.
- In case the monthly salary is not received/remitted for any reason, late payment charges of 3.5% per month plus FED shall apply on the outstanding amount.
- Collection and recovery charges will be added to the Outstanding Amount and/or may be debited from the Customer’s account, without notice, after 45 days of the disbursement of the last salary.
- Default shall be deemed to have occurred if the monthly salary is not received/remitted within 45 days of the disbursement of the last salary.
- If the Lender elects to proceed against the Customer in a court of law to recover the PayDay Amount, the Customer will be liable to pay all legal charges, including professional fees of external lawyers, in addition to any other out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Lender in pursuing recovery proceedings.
- The Customer also undertakes not to transfer their salary account to another bank without obtaining written approval from the Lender if the PayDay Amount and all related fees, charges, and dues have not been paid back in full to the Lender.
The Customer understands and acknowledges that the Lender reserves the right to track their location (“Track”) during the provision of Services. Additionally, if the Customer stops, ceases, or discontinues using or availing the Services by deleting or uninstalling the Mobile App or otherwise, the Customer will still be responsible for repaying the Outstanding Amount(s) to the Lender. The deletion, uninstallation, or discontinuation of the Services will not release the Customer from this obligation. The Lender also reserves the right to accept or reject the Customer’s registration for the Services, or any request for Services, without providing an explanation.
The Customer understands, agrees, and acknowledges that they are solely responsible for the capability of the electronic devices and internet connection they choose to use to run the Platform. The operation of the Platform or the Services on the Customer’s device is subject to the availability of hardware, software specifications, internet connection, and other features and specifications required from time to time.
The Services have been designed to reduce the possibility of fraud and error by placing the issuance of a User ID and Passwords (“Codes”) under the Customer’s control, ensuring that the customer’s accounts can only be accessed upon entry of valid Codes. The Customer authorizes the Lender to treat any instruction made using the Services with valid Codes as if the instructions had been made in writing and signed by the Customer. Unless there is substantial evidence to the contrary, the Lender’s records will be conclusive regarding any access to, or action taken using the Services. The Customer is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the Codes and will not allow any person (including another customer or employee) to use them. The Customer agrees to inform the Lender promptly of any discrepancies that may be discovered. The Lender will consider any access to the Services through valid Codes to be duly authorized, and will carry out any instruction given, regardless of the identity of the individual accessing the system. The Customer confirms that the security system and controls are commercially reasonable and appropriate. In certain instances, the Lender may also decline to act upon Customer instructions. The Lender may employ other controls to verify the Customer’s identity as a condition to granting access, including the collection and use of data that authenticates the Customer’s identity or computer identity. The Customer agrees to these security procedures and acknowledges that if contacted, either by telephone or electronically, they will act or respond in compliance with requests resulting from these security procedures and will be bound by any resulting transfer, decision not to act upon instructions, or denial of access to persons purporting to be the Customer.
The Lender shall not be obligated to honor, in whole or in part, any transaction or instruction that:
- Is not in accordance with any term or condition of this Agreement.
- The Lender has reason to believe may not be authorized by the Customer.
- The Lender has reason to believe involves funds or other property subject to a hold, dispute, restriction, or legal process that prevents the transaction or instruction.
- Would violate any applicable provision of any direction from the State Bank of Pakistan or any applicable law, rule, or regulation of any other federal or provincial government or regulatory authority.
- Is not in accordance with any other requirement of the Lender’s policies, procedures, or practices.
- The Lender has other reasonable cause not to honor for the protection of the Lender or the Customer.
License to Use the App: To use the Services, the Customer must download and install the myABL App and/or access it through the website. The Customer confirms that they are of legal age as per the applicable laws and are competent to understand, enter into, and comply with these Terms.
Scope of License: The Customer is permitted to install, download, access, or use the App from the Online Stores on mobile phones, tablets, or other electronic devices.
Maintenance & Support: The Customer agrees that the Lender may suspend the Services for maintenance purposes at its discretion.
Updates/Upgrades: The Lender may release new updates or upgrades for the App, which the Customer can subscribe to through the Online Stores. If the Customer chooses not to update/upgrade the App, certain features or functionalities may not be accessible.
The Lender reserves the right to terminate these Terms if the Customer breaches any provision of these Terms.
The Lender reserves the right to track the Customer, even if the Customer has uninstalled the App or after the termination of these Terms.
The Customer expressly understands, acknowledges, and agrees that:
The Customer’s use of the Services and the Platform is at their sole risk. The Services and the Platform are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis.
To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Lender makes no warranties of any kind for the Service, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
The Lender does not warrant that the Service will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the Service is free of viruses or other harmful components.
The Lender and its officers, directors, shareholders, parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, licensors, or third-party service providers are not liable for any of the following:
- Consequential damages (including, without limitation, loss of data, files, profit or goodwill, or the costs of procurement of substitute goods or services).
- Indirect damages.
- Incidental damages.
- Special damages.
- Punitive damages.
This applies regardless of whether these damages occur in an action under contract, negligence, or any other theory, arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, the Service, or the inability to use the Service.
In addition to reasons such as scheduled system maintenance, damages could arise from circumstances beyond our control. These circumstances could include (but are not limited to):
- Power outages
- System failures
- Fires
- Floods
- Natural disasters
- Extreme weather
- Cyber-attacks, including Denial of Service (DoS)
Except as specifically provided in this Agreement or otherwise required by applicable law, the Lender and/or our service providers or other agents, also will not be liable for:
- For the purpose of dispute / error resolution, the Customer shall immediately contact Call center/Branch or through any mode prescribed by the Bank and provide necessary information/detail as may be required by the Bank. Upon registration of Complaint, Bank will probe the matter and would resolve it within prescribed TAT. However, unresolved dispute/matter may be referred to SBP/Banking Mohtasib Pakistan.
- The relation between the Bank and the Customer shall be governed by these Terms and the Bank reserves its rights to unilaterally modify, amend, alter, vary, supplement at its sole discretion these Terms and Conditions from time to time which the Customer hereby agrees to be binding upon the Customer, his/her legal heirs, legal representatives, executors, administrators, successors-in-interest and assigns with respect to the Account specified on Account Opening Form and/or any other Account that may be opened by the Customer with the Bank from time to time. However, changes in Bank Terms and Conditions are informed to the Customers at least 30 days before the change takes effect through various means.
- The Bank may update or otherwise amend these terms to reflect changes to the service or changes to the law. Customer’s continuous use of the service after such publication or notification will be considered as acceptance of the amended Terms. Allied Bank encourages Customers to check Bank website regularly. In case of disagreement with the amendments, Customer should discontinue use of the respective Service.
- These Terms and Conditions are in addition to and not in substitution for the Terms and Conditions, rules and regulations, procedures and methods of the Bank governing any other products, term deposits, deposit schemes and services offered and facilities to the Customer from time to time. Those accounts and products are governed by the parameters, rules and regulations applicable to respective account/product and may be amended from time to time.
- By signing these Terms & Conditions the Customer confirms that all necessary guidance in respect of usage of all e-Banking Channels (e.g. ATM/myABL/e-commerce/POS Purchase etc.) has been disseminated to him/her/it with clarity including all risks associated by the subscription, usage of these e-Banking Channels and also the risks associated against services being delivered through these e-Banking Channels.
- I/We understand that the consent provided by me/we against subscription of e-Banking Channels facilities may contain delivery of services through various channels such as subscription for the Card will expose services through ATM, POS, e-Commerce, Internet Banking (Web & Mobile App), QR Scanning and IVR channels and I/we hereby extend my consent for all such Services/channels.