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Day 3 & 4 Highlights: ABL K2 Expedition 2024

Day 3 & 4 Highlights: ABL K2 Expedition 2024

Categories: News Updates

Our team successfully reached Jhola and Paju, pushing through the challenging terrain on foot. Despite the physical toll, the team’s spirits remain high, buoyed by their collective motivation and bonding. They took a well-deserved rest day at Paju, preparing for the next leg of their journey to Khoborste/Hoborse. Throughout their trek, the team has engaged with locals and fellow trekkers, spreading awareness about climate change and our bank’s efforts to support this noble cause.

Currently, the team is en-route to Khoborste/Hoborse, and although pictures are not available due to signal issues, they have confirmed via wireless communication that all team members are safe and in good spirits. We will continue to take update on  progress. Thank you for following their journey and supporting their mission to raise awareness about climate change.

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